Online Business Ideas

Online Business IdeasStarting an online business is very popular among emerging entrepreneurs. Part of this is because it is easy to manage, has a much lower overhead than keeping a physical office or storefront.

Most online businesses and websites can be integrated with automation tools (scheduling, cloud-based accounting and banking services, etc.), which cuts down on the need to hire staff for specialized roles. The most difficult thing, however, is coming up with the best online business idea for your venture.

Do What You Love

The best online business ideas come from the freedom the internet give to entrepreneurs. Between having a website and social media, all of the advertising is free (unless you choose to run a paid marketing campaign). Entrepreneur running online businesses also have the liberty to pick niche businesses that are not offered by traditional storefronts or offices. This means that people have the opportunity to achieve financial independence by doing what they love and tapping their personal talents, rather than working by someone else’s rules and seeing a good portion of their revenue go toward leasing an office or store and paying utilities and insurance on top of that.

Keep What You Earn

Outside of taxes and the cost of website hosting, most of what people earn by running an online business can go right into the bank. As stated above, the best online business ideas save money that would otherwise go to renting a brick and mortar store. Additionally, people who run online businesses do not need to seek outside funding to launch their operations because of the low overhead. This means you can embrace you favorite online business idea without applying for loans and taking on huge amounts of debt before your company is up and running.

The Best Online Business Ideas

If you are stuck on trying to come up with a great concept for your online business, or if you want to see some existing online business ideas to help get your brainstorming session in gear, we have compiled a short list of the best online business ideas for companies you can run yourself, from the comfort of your home, or wherever you can bring a laptop or tablet.

Business and Life Coaching

People who have experience in the business world, or who know how to free up personal time (or use time effectively) often become business and life coaches. This is one of the best online business ideas because it allows for creativity on a number of platforms. Online coaches often write e-books, create podcasts, and offer their services via one-on-one coaching and consultation, or by attending events. Business and life coaches are very good at communication, and have one of the best online business ideas around – getting paid to give advice and lend experience in order to improve people’s lives.

Social Media

Do you enjoy using Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, or any of the other social media platforms? People are monetizing their social media mastery by offering their services to businesses and individuals who want to engage the public, but simply do not have the time or know how to effectively reach people. Businesses want to let people know about sales, upcoming events, new products, or make press releases, and anyone who understands how to use social media can make a sizable income by liking, sharing, and using the right hashtags. Leveraging social media is one of the best online business ideas, as it is not time intensive, and it is a means to earning a great income without much effort.

IT Support

As ubiquitous as computers, mobile devices, and personal technology have become, so too have the problems, bugs, and troubleshooting involved in getting all of those gadgets to do what we want. If you are good with technology, the odds are pretty good that you’ve had to troubleshoot something for a friend or family member, so why not get paid for it from the comfort of your home? Many businesses do not have the resources to maintain an in-house IT department, and individuals so not want to leave their devices at a big box store or spend hours on hold with major companies, and that is why offering IT support is one of the best online business ideas. With a phone and a free screen sharing application, people are making incredible profits while still undercutting the big tech support companies. It support entrepreneurs tend to build up recurring business, as they develop a rapport with local residents and business owners.

Niche Retail

Some of the best small online business ideas come from people who make those one-of-a-kind items for sale that people cannot find anywhere else. Jewelry, handmade or embellished clothing, custom 3-D printed action figures – you name it, and there is a market waiting to buy whatever you have to offer. Online retail businesses make for great small business ideas because you do not have to pay rent on a lease for a brick and mortar store front. All you need is a web site, a way to accept secure payments online (this is usually done via services like PayPal), and a reliable shipping service. People are always looking for items that they know no one else will have, which is what gives online retailers a competitive edge over the larger cookie-cutter stores. Niche retail also allows business owners to sell whatever they like – be it unique handcrafted items, antiques, rare books, or original artwork.

Own A Finance Business And Work From Home

If you are good at introducing people and acting as a mediator, plus you like the idea of working from home and getting paid for getting people to come to an agreement, then the world of commercial finance might be the best online business idea for you.

The Commercial Capital Training Group (CCTG) gives people the training and support necessary to launch their own online businesses where they can set their own hours and work from the comfort of their homes. CCTG graduates also walk away with the necessary skills to take advantage of business opportunities that offer unlimited profits.

If you are thinking about online business ideas, and want something that has low overhead and high revenue, then the Commercial Capital Training Group is a perfect match for you.

Further Reading